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Site24x7 Integration Guide

Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for DevOps and IT operations. It allows companies to keep track of their entire online system from a single console. With TaskCall's Site24x7 integration, incidents identified by Site24x7 are brought to the forefront so they can be addressed by on-call responders in the fastest possible time.

  • The integration is between a TaskCall service and Site24x7.
  • Incidents will automatically resolve in TaskCall when Site24x7 issues resolve.
  • This integration only allows alerts to be received in TaskCall from Site24x7.
In TaskCall
  1. Go to Configurations > Services . Select the service you want to integrate with.
  2. Once you are on the Service details page, go to the Integrations tab. Click on New Integration.
  3. Give the integration a name.
  4. From the integration types, select the top radio button indicating that you are trying to use a built-in integration.
  5. From the list of built-in integrations, select Site24x7.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Copy the Integration Url that is issued for the integration.
In Site24x7
  1. Go to Admin > Third-Party Integrations > Webhooks.

    Site24x7 Integration Step 1

  2. Now fill up the webhook integration form:
    • Give the integration a name (as a suggestion, you can call it TaskCall to help you identify it easily).
    • Paste the integration URL you copied over from TaskCall.
    • Select POST as the HTTP method, and ennsure to checkmark the boxes labelled Post as JSON and Send Incident Parameters.
    • Make sure to select the correct monitors in the Integration Level
    • .
    • Select under what statuses of the monitor incidents should trigger.

    Site24x7 Integration Step 2

  3. Click Save.
Done! You have successfully integrated with Site24x7. Incidents will now be created on TaskCall for alerts that are triggered from Site24x7.
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