Live Call Routing

Urgent matters cannot always be left to chats and emails. Sometimes your customers may wish to call you directly and if they cannot get through to you, not only do you now have a dissatisfied customer, the issue they were facing could trickle down to others.

TaskCall understands the need to keep your customers happy and allows you to ramp your service offering through Live Call Routing . Register and maintain a phone number of your choice with TaskCall and connect it to a service. Whenever a call is received to the number, we will forward the call to all the on-call responders of the service until someone responds. The caller stays on the same call and hears the ringtone while we attempt to connect to you no matter where you are.

Live Call Routing is only available for the Starter, Business and Digital Operations plans.

  • Once a call is received, TaskCall first determines what service the call should be forwarded to. It then tries forwarding the call to the on-call users of the escalation policy that is associated to that service. We first attempt to forward the call to the primary on-call user. If the call is not answered, then the call is forwarded to the Level 2 on-call user and so on. If there are multiple users on-call in the same level, the call will be forwarded to them in an arbitrary order, but attempts will be made to call each of them first before escalating to the next level.
  • TaskCall will automatically create an incident when the call is received. This allows you to keep track of all the calls and increase visibility across the board. Even if a call is missed you will have the correct context to call back.
  • The incident will be automatically acknowledged once the call is answered by someone.
  • The incident will not generate notification alerts while the call is in progress. However, the routing can be configured to send notification alerts once the call ends.
  • The routing behavior can be configured extensively - play a greeting message when call first comes in, present the caller a set of service options to select from and direct the call accordingly, control how long each forwarding attempt to on-call users should last, save voicemails and many more.
  • Each live call routing is associated with a single phone number. This phone number is registered with telecommunication providers by TaskCall. You can search for availale phone numbers and select the one you want.
  • Live call routing can only be created and edited by Admins and the Owner.
  • Live call routing does not fall within the free trial period. If your account is on a trial period when you start using live call routing, you will still be billed for registering the phone number and the call minutes.
Create Live Call Routing
  1. Go to: Configurations > Live Call Routing > New Live Call Routing.
  2. You will first have to select a phone number from list of available numbers. Click Search phone number. A modal will pop up where you can search for numbers from a specific country, regional code and for toll-free numbers. After your search is rendered a list of available numbers will be displayed. Select the phone number you want. Live Call Routing Search Phone Number
  3. Give the routing a name and describe what it is for.
  4. Configure the routing behavior.
  5. Click Save once you are done. Your request may take a few seconds to process as we have to register the number. Do not leave the screen.

Greeting is the automated message the caller will hear when they dial. If you want options to be presented to the user to select from, then please mention them here. The greeting can be a text or a voice recording (only mp3 files are allowed). If no greeting is provided then TaskCall will initiate call forwarding immediately after the call is received.

Live Call Routing Greeting
Greetings are not played for calls placed from a user's phone number

When a call is made to a live call routing number from a registered user's phone number, greetings are not played. This is because TaskCall first assumes that the user is trying to place an outbound call.

Outgoing calls are only allowed from users' phone numbers and can only be placed by dialing the live call routing number followed by the recipient's number.

Forwarding Services

Live calls are forwarded to TaskCall services. Services allow you to specify support hours and determine which escalation policy the call will be forwarded to.

Each live call routing must have a default forwarding service and setting it alone will suffice when the caller does not need to be presented with options. However, if options do need to be presented, then you must also add the services that each option must be forwarded to. The option must be a digit between 0 - 9. Once the caller selects an option by pressing the option digit on his dialpad, the call will be forwarded to the service corresponding to that option. If the caller selects an invalid option, the call is forwarded to the default service.

Live Call Routing Forwarding
How to accept a routed call?

After users picks up the forwarded call, they will be informed that they are being connected by TaskCall through live call routing and will be asked to press any key to connect with the caller (at the moment the message will only be in English). If no key is pressed the call will not be connected. This also ensures that if the user's answering machine comes on, it does not get played to the caller.

Ending Note

Ending note is the automated message that will be played in the event that the call is not answered by any of the on-call users. It allows you to end the call in a pleasant note and ask the caller to leave a voicemail. If no ending note is provided, then the call will not go to voicemail and the call will end abruptly. The ending note can be a text or a voice recording (only mp3 files are allowed).

If the user leaves a voicemail, it may not be available immediately after the call ends. It may take us a minute or two to process the voicemail.

Live Call Routing Ending
Routing Settings

Live Call Routing Settings

Settings allow you to configure some nifty features for the call handling and incident management.

  • Language: This is only used when the greeting or the ending note is provided in text. Knowing the language allows the automated voice to better pronounce the words.
  • Voice: This determines whether the automated voice should be of a male or a female. It is only used when the greeting or the ending note is provided in text instead of a recording.
  • Maximum number of users to forward to: This is the maximum number of times the call will be attempted to be forwarded to on-call users. If the number of available on-call users is less than this number, then this maximum number will not be used. For example, if the maximum forwarding is set to 4 and the first 4 users we try to forward the call to do not respond, then the call will be ended right there even if there are 8 on-call users in total. On the other hand, if there were only 2 on-call users and both of them did not pick up, then the call will be ended after the first 2 attempts even if the maximum forwarding is set at 4 since there are no more users to try.
  • Timeout of every forwarding attempt: This is the maximum number of seconds TaskCall will try to attempt to forward the call to a single on-call user. If the call remains unanswered after the set number of seconds, then the next on-call user will be tried. If it is not specified, it defaults to 20 seconds.
  • Urgency of created incident: The urgency that will be set for the created incident. This will be important if notification alerts need to be sent out if the call ends unanswered.
  • Numbers to block: You can choose to block a list of numbers. The numbers should be comma separated and in their full format with the country code (example: +15567328980). The call will be rejected immediately after it is received if the incoming number matches any of the blocked numbers. You will not be billed for incoming calls from blocked numbers.
  • Show incoming caller ID when forwarding: This allows you to determine whether the incoming phone number that will be displayed on the on-call user's phone will be that of the actual caller or the routing phone number. If this option is not selected, then the routing phone number will be displayed to the on-call user. The user can choose to save the routing number in reference to their work allowing them to differentiate work related calls and personal calls. It may help them respond to the call more formally and with more urgency.
  • Prompt responder for confirmation before connecting to caller: Play a message to the on-call responder when they answer a call mentioning that they are being connected for a work call and make them accept it by pressing a key on the dial pad. If a key is not pressed, the call will not be connected and the live call routing flow will continue. This step gives responders more time to prepare and avoid unprofessional situations where family members accidentally pick up the call and are connected with clients. However, if this option is not selected, then the caller will be connected to the on-call responder as soon as the call is answered.
  • Resolve incident when answered call ends: TaskCall automatically creates an incident when a call is received on the routing phone number. This setting allows you to define whether the incident should be automatically resolved once the call ends after it is answered by someone.
  • Resolve incident when unanswered call ends: This setting allows you to define whether the incident should be automatically resolved once the call ends even if it remains unanswered. Not resolving unanswered calls will help you bring missed calls to the forefront as the incident will remain open.
  • Send alert notifications for unresolved incidents: Incidents created from live call routing do not generate notification alerts - email, push notifications, SMS and voice calls. This is done to reduce unnecessary noise. However, if the call remains unanswered, with this setting notification alerting can be turned on. The notification will be sent based on the urgency of the incident.
  • Record call: Calls can be recorded for training purposes. However, it must be made clear to the recipient of the call that the call is being recorded in compliance with regulations. Please adhere to any other regulations of your local, state and federal authorities.

    Call recording is only available for the Digital Operations plan. The option to record calls will be shown in the Settings section for accounts with the correct permissions. Additional fees also apply for call recording.

Outgoing Calls

Outgoing calls are only available for accounts with the Digital Operations plan. Calls can be made directly by dialing the routing call number in addition to the end recipient's number. If your routing phone number is +1 988-900-4787 and the end recipient's phone number is +1 677-080-2231 then by dialing in the following format +19889004787,16770802231# direct calls can be placed.

Outgoing call are only allowed from phone numbers that belong to registered users.


Live call routing does not fall within the pricing of subscription plans. It is billed separately. There is a charge for each routing number and for the minutes of call time.

  • Phone Number: $5 per phone number per month. Exceptions apply for certain countries.
  • Call Time: $0.10 per minute for calls from US and Canada. $0.35 per minute for all other countries. The call time is rounded up to the minute.
  • Call Recording $0.05 per minute of call recording. All call recordings (including voicemails) are available for a maximum of 3 months.


Routing phone numbers are only available for the countries listed below:

  • Algeria
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Barbados
  • Belgium
  • Benin
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Cayman Islands
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Grenada
  • Guinea
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Kenya
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Macau
  • Mali
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rico
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Sudan
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Thailand
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Uganda
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam

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